《理路》徵稿 / GD CALL FOR PAPER (2007/2/5)

《理路》月評是一份從事治理研究的期刊,竭誠歡迎人文社會科學各領域中對治理研究有興趣的朋友,共同參與知識共享、概念共創的行列。來稿文章請恪守學術規範,內文若有引述或轉註文獻,請依照一般學術期刊格式處理,並在文末附上參考文獻。網路資料請於註腳處引述其網址與瀏覽日期。 投稿《理路》月評的文章可分為「專論」與「評介」兩種形式,亦歡迎讀者踴躍來信提供各類建議或批評指正。符合專文內容者,文長約以3,000字之內為佳;書評、文評或知識引介則以2,000字之內為佳;特稿、對話論壇與來信批評則不限字數。投稿文章請另附中英文題目、三個以上的中英文關鍵詞、以及三十字之內的中英文提要,並附上作者主要學歷或職稱。《理路》編輯委員會力求尊重原稿件內容,唯保留來文刊登刪改權。 《理路》編輯委員會 2007/2/5


Potential for Change or Misplaced Optimism?

The 2007 (and 37th) St Gallen Symposium threw up a series of extremely insightful and provocative thoughts. The central theme itself was an open one, "The Power of Natural Resources," which broadly speaking, can in essence refer to near anything that exists on this planet we exist upon. However, as the symposium progressed, one cannot but note the presence of several recurring sub-themes that appear to dominate the proceedings, namely climate change, uneven development, and the necessity for international cooperation.....

● 請按此下載本期《理路》。
